DIP60: @nogc attribute

via Digitalmars-d digitalmars-d at puremagic.com
Tue Apr 22 06:48:28 PDT 2014

On Tuesday, 22 April 2014 at 13:39:54 UTC, Steven Schveighoffer 
> On Tue, 22 Apr 2014 09:29:28 -0400, Ola Fosheim Grøstad Can you 
> explain this?

When you use a C/C++ framework you don't know what happens to the 
pointers you hand to it.

You also don't know which threads call your D-functons from that 
framework. (Assuming the framework is multi-threaded). To know 
this you are required to know the internals of the framework you 
are utilizing or inject runtime guards into your D functions?

> By mistake? How?

By insertion into a global datastructure that happens at a lower 
layer than the higher level you allocate on.

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