DIP61: redone to do extern(C++,N) syntax

Regan Heath via Digitalmars-d digitalmars-d at puremagic.com
Wed Apr 30 03:01:31 PDT 2014

On Wed, 30 Apr 2014 10:20:22 +0100, Regan Heath <regan at netmail.co.nz>  

Something else to think about.

C# has the same problem and has solved it the following way..

using ..
using CSTest_Test1;
using CSTest_Test2;

namespace CSTest
     class Program
         static void Main(string[] args)
             Test1.GetLastError(); // class, not namespace required to call  
             Test2.GetLastError(); // class, not namespace required to call  

using ..
namespace CSTest_Test1
     public static class Test1
         [DllImport("coredll.dll", SetLastError = true)]
         public static extern Int32 GetLastError();

namespace CSTest_Test2
     public static class Test2
         [DllImport("coredll.dll", SetLastError = true)]
         public static extern Int32 GetLastError();

GetLastError() is always going to unambiguous here because it *must* live  
inside a C# class and that class name is *always* required in the call to  

If D has replaced classes/namespaces with modules, then the answer to our  
problem may be to use the C++ namespace *only* to mangle the symbol, and  
*only* use the D module for lookup resolution.

module a;
extern(C++, std) class string {..}

module b:
extern(C++, std) class string {..}
extern(C++, std) class vector {..}

module userland;
import a;
import b;

void main()
   string x = new string();     //error ambiguous (same resolution as for D  
   a.string x = new a.string(); //ok
   b.vector y = new b.vector(); //ok


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