checkedint call removal
Timon Gehr via Digitalmars-d
digitalmars-d at
Fri Aug 1 14:29:48 PDT 2014
On 08/01/2014 11:18 PM, Chris Cain wrote:
> On Friday, 1 August 2014 at 14:08:56 UTC, Daniel Gibson wrote:
>> .. but even if I were: words used for constructs/function-names/... in
>> programming often don't 100% match their "real" meaning (as used in
>> human communication)[1] - why should it be different for assert(),
>> especially when not implemented/used like that in many popular
>> programming languages?
> The way Walter is suggesting assert be handled is much more in line with
> the real English meaning (plus all of the resources posted seem to back
> up his position much more strongly than the other way), so that's why
> I'm siding with Walter on this (mostly). Imagine my surprise when I
> Google'd "assert definition" to find it meant "state a fact or belief
> confidently and forcefully."... the definition of the word really makes
> it obvious what the feature was originally intended to convey. Upon
> reflection, the definition that everyone is suggesting for assert
> ("something that is proven by being checked") really doesn't make a
> whole lot of sense given the facts laid out about assert.
> Asserts are just facts that you state about the program. It's just a
> "nice feature" that the compiler will check your asserted facts when
> you're debugging your code. If you aren't stating a fact about the
> state/behavior of the code, you probably shouldn't be using an assert
> there (I feel that I've misused asserts from the beginning by not
> knowing this, though).
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