Won a programming contest using D - Thank you for the tool!

Ivan Kazmenko via Digitalmars-d digitalmars-d at puremagic.com
Sun Aug 17 17:10:20 PDT 2014


I just won a three-month-long programming contest (Al 
Zimmermann's Programming Contest - Alphabet City) using the D 
programming language as my main tool.  I want to share my 
happiness, and express my deep gratitude, to the people who work 
on this tool.  You are a part of what made this a pleasant and 
educative experience.  Thank you!

The contest is basically about writing a program that plays a 
solitaire version of Scrabble given a fixed order in which tiles 
come to the rack.

Links for the interested:
Contest homepage: http://azspcs.net/Contest/AlphabetCity
My contest program, now on GitHub: 
A technical report draft: 

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