Before we implement SDL package format for DUB

Nick Sabalausky via Digitalmars-d digitalmars-d at
Sat Aug 30 04:39:31 PDT 2014

On 8/25/2014 12:40 PM, Jonathan Marler wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> [endless discussion]

Anyone seen the mystery/comedy/detective show "Monk"?

I've been watching it lately. One interesting quirk about the main 
character Adrian Monk (a character who's humorously *loaded* with 
quirks) is that one must NEVER present him with a choice, especially a 
trivial or inconsequential one. He will contemplate and second-guess it 
endlessly. *Make* the choice instead, without providing him an 
opportunity to debate it with himself, and things work out fine (at 
least until another quirk is triggered).

If Dub had gone the "badly-managed-project" route and unilaterally made 
the call to rip out JSON entirely, replacing it with SDL, back when it 
was first considered...I doubt very much it would have generated 
anywhere near the level of back-and-forth objections and unrest that 
it's now generated over several discussions since. We're designing by 

We are Adrian Monk. We can't handle choice. ;)

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