DIP69 - Implement scope for escape proof references

bearophile via Digitalmars-d digitalmars-d at puremagic.com
Thu Dec 4 04:55:34 PST 2014

I am not expert in such things, but here are few comments and 

> Errors for scope violations are only reported in @safe code.

This seems acceptable only if the compiler switch "-scope" 
implies functions to be @safe by default and @system on request, 
because currently lot of D programmers don't apply annotations 
like @safe to their D code. Opt-in safety doesn't work well (and 
in D we still have the problems caused by null pointers and 

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Also consider an annotation like "!scope" or "@escape" for the 
opposite purpose.

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>Delegates currently defensively allocate closures with the GC. 
>Few actually escape, and with scope only those that actually 
>escape need to have the closures allocated.<

So there's no need for extra annotations to make delegates @nogc 
in most cases?

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Regarding array literals, some people proposed a syntax for 
fixed-size arrays to avoid heap-allocations (the "s" after the 
array literal):

void foo(int[2]) {}
void bar(int[]) {}
void main() @nogc {
     foo([1, 2]s);
     bar([1, 2]s);

Is DIP69 able to infer those arrays can be both stack-allocated? 
Is the "s" annotations still useful?

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Regarding the benefits, is escape analysis going to be used to 
allocate _automatically_ some small dynamic arrays and 
classes/structs on the stack instead of heap?

And is escape analysis going to automatically give hints to the 
GC to deallocate faster GC-allocated memory that doesn't escape?

void foo() {
     // Both dynamic arrays don't escape foo

     // Automatically stack allocated.
     auto a = new int[3];

     // Heap-allocated but deterministically
     // deleted at the end of foo scope.
     auto b = new int[10_000];

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