Do everything in Java…

ketmar via Digitalmars-d digitalmars-d at
Thu Dec 4 18:47:37 PST 2014

On Thu, 04 Dec 2014 18:24:26 -0800
Walter Bright via Digitalmars-d <digitalmars-d at> wrote:

> On 12/4/2014 5:32 PM, ketmar via Digitalmars-d wrote:
> >>
> > i didn't read the article, but i bet that this is just another article
> > about his language of preference and how any other language he tried
> > doesn't have X or Y or Z. and those X, Y and Z are something like "not
> > being on market for long enough", "vendor ACME didn't ported ACMElib to
> > it", "out staff is trained in G but not in M" and so on. boring.
> >
>  From the article:
> "Most importantly, the kinds of bugs that people introduce most often aren’t the 
> kind of bugs that unit tests catch. With few exceptions (such as parsers), unit 
> tests are a waste of time."
> Not my experience with unittests, repeated over decades and with different 
> languages. Unit tests are a huge win, even with statically typed languages.
i think that there is some misconception here from the people who says
that "unittests are almost useless". such people wants unittests to
catch *all* bugs. and when unittests fails at that, people making the
conclusion that unittests are not useful at all.

the other thing is that having all unittests separated from the actual
code is PITA, at least for me. i really love D unittest feature, thanks
to it i wrote alot more unittests in my D code than in the code in
other languages i'm using. and having ddoc in compiler encourages me to
write at least a minimal documentation for the source. ;-)

yes, i know about doxygen, unittesting frameworks and so on. somehow
they never works for me. "ah, those tools are second class citizens,
i'll do 'em favor later." of course, that "later" means "never" most of
the time. ;-)

and what i also can't grok is "test-driven developement". ah, we spent
alot of time writing that tests that we can't even run 'cause we didn't
start working on the actual code yet. it's splendid! we didn't start
the real work yet and we are already bored. i don't believe that this
is a good way to develop a good project.
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