Do everything in Java...

via Digitalmars-d digitalmars-d at
Fri Dec 5 13:21:48 PST 2014

On Friday, 5 December 2014 at 20:32:54 UTC, H. S. Teoh via 
Digitalmars-d wrote:
> I agree. It's not just about conservation of resources and 
> power,
> though. It's also about maximizing the utility of our assets and
> extending our reach.
> If I were a business and I invested $10,000 in servers, 
> wouldn't I want
> to maximize the amount of computation I can get from these 
> servers
> before I need to shell out money for more servers?

Those $10,000 in servers is a small investment compared to the 
cost of the inhouse IT department to run them… Which is why the 
cloud make sense. Why have all that unused capacity inhouse (say 
 >90% idle over 24/7) and pay someone to make it work, when you 
can put it in the cloud where you get load balancing, have a 
99,999% stable environment and can cut down on the IT staff?

> There are also certain large computational problems that 
> basically need
> every last drop of juice you can get in order to have any 
> fighting
> chance to solve them.

Sure, but then you should run it on SIMD processors (GPUs) 
anyway. And if you only run a couple of times a month, it still 
makes sense to run it on more servers using map-reduce in the 
cloud where you only pay for CPU time.

The only situation where you truly need dedicated servers is 
where you have real time requirements, a constant high load or 
where you need a lot of RAM because you cannot partition the 

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