DIP69 - Implement scope for escape proof references

Manu via Digitalmars-d digitalmars-d at puremagic.com
Sat Dec 6 01:50:53 PST 2014

On 6 December 2014 at 09:58, Walter Bright via Digitalmars-d
<digitalmars-d at puremagic.com> wrote:
> On 12/5/2014 8:48 AM, "Marc Schütz" <schuetzm at gmx.net>" wrote:
>> There are limitations this proposal has in comparison to my original one.
>> These
>> limitations might of course be harmless and play no role in practice, but
>> on the
>> other hand, they may, so I think it's good to list them here.
> Good idea. Certainly, this is less powerful than your proposal. The
> question, obviously, is what is good enough to get the job done. By "the
> job", I mean reference counting, migrating many allocations to RAII (meaning
> the stack), and eliminating a lot of closure GC allocations.
>> Additionally I have to agree with Steven Schveighoffer: This DIP is very
>> complicated to understand. It's not obvious how the various parts play
>> together,
>> and why/to which degree it "works", and which are the limitations. I don't
>> think
>> that's only because my brain is already locked on my proposal...
> I'm still looking for an easier way to explain it. The good news in this,
> however, is if it is correctly implement the compiler should be a big help
> in using scope correctly.
>> 1) Escape detection is limited to `ref`.
>>      T* evil;
>>      ref T func(scope ref T t, ref T u) @safe {
>>        return t; // Error: escaping scope ref t
>>        return u; // ok
>>        evil = &u; // Error: escaping reference
>>      }
>> vs.
>>      T[] evil;
>>      T[] func(scope T[] t, T[] u) @safe {
>>        return t; // Error: cannot return scope
>>        return u; // ok
>>        evil = u; // !!! not good
> right, although:
>      evil = t;  // Error: not allowed
>>      }
>> As can be seen, `ref T u` is protected from escaping (apart from returning
>> it),
>> while `T[] u` in the second example is not. There's no general way to
>> express
>> that `u` can only be returned from the function, but will not be retained
>> otherwise by storing it in a global variable. Adding `pure` can express
>> this in
>> many cases, but is, of course, not always possible.
> As you point out, 'ref' is designed for this.
>> Another workaround is passing the parameters as `ref`, but this would
>> introduce
>> an additional indirection and has different semantics (e.g. when the
>> lengths of
>> the slices are modified).
>> 2) `scope ref` return values cannot be stored.
>>      scope ref int foo();
>>      void bar(scope ref int a);
>>      foo().bar();        // allowed
>>      scope tmp = foo();  // not allowed
>>      tmp.bar();
> Right
>> Another example:
>>      struct Container(T) {
>>          scope ref T opIndex(size_t index);
>>      }
>>      void bar(scope ref int a);
>>      Container c;
>>      bar(c[42]);            // ok
>>      scope ref tmp = c[42]; // nope
>> Both cases should be fine theoretically; the "real" owner lives longer
>> than
>> `tmp`. Unfortunately the compiler doesn't know about this.
> Right, though the compiler can optimize to produce the equivalent.
>> Both restrictions 1) and 2) are because there are no explicit
>> lifetime/owner
>> designations (the scope!identifier thingy in my proposal).
>> 3) `scope` cannot be used for value types.
>> I can think of a few use cases for scoped value types (RC and file
>> descriptors),
>> but they might only be marginal.
> I suspect that one can encapsulate such values in a struct where access to
> them is strictly controlled.
>> 4) No overloading on `scope`.
>> This is at least partially a consequence of `scope` inference. I think
>> overloading can be made to work in the presence of inference, but I
>> haven't
>> thought it through.
> Right. Different overloads can have different semantic implementations, so
> what should inference do? I also suspect it is bad style to overload on
> 'scope'.
>> 5) `scope` is a storage class.
>> Manu complained about `ref` being a storage class. If I understand him
>> right,
>> one reason is that we have a large toolkit for dealing with type
>> modifiers, but
>> almost nothing for storage classes. I have to agree with him there. But I
>> haven't understood his point fully, maybe he himself can post more about
>> his
>> problems with this?
> I didn't fully understand Manu's issue, but it was about 'ref' not being
> inferred by template type deduction. I didn't understand why 'auto ref' did
> not work for him. I got the impression that he was trying to program in D
> the same way he'd do things in C++, and that's where the trouble came in.

I barely program C++ at all! I basically write C code with 'enum' and
'class'. NEVER 'template', and very rarely 'virtual'.
Your impression is dead wrong.

If I do things in any particular 'way', it is that at all times, I
have regard for, and control over the code generation, the ABI, and I
also value distribution of code as static libs, which means I must
retain tight control over where code is, and isn't, emitted.
I expect this from a native language.

It's exactly as Marc says, we have the best tools for dealing with
types of any language I know, and practically none for dealing with
'storage class'.
In my use of meta in D, 'ref' is the single greatest cause of
complexity, code bloat, duplication, and text mixins. I've been
banging on about this for years!

I've been over it so many times.
I'll start over if there is actually some possibility I can convince
you? Is there?

I've lost faith that I am able to have any meaningful impact on issues
that matter to me, and I'm fairly sure at this point that my
compounded resentment and frustration actually discredit my cause, and
certainly, my quality of debate.
I'm passionate about these things, but I'm also extremely frustrated.
To date, whenever I have engaged in a topic that I *really* care
about, it goes the other direction. To participate has proven to be
something of a (very time consuming) act of masochism.

I __absolutely objected__ to 'auro ref' when it appeared. I argued
that it was a massive mistake, and since it's introduction and
experience with it in the wild, I am more confident in that conviction
than ever.

As a programmer, I expect control over whether code is a template, or
not. 'ref' doesn't have anything to do with templates. Confusing these
2 concepts was such a big mistake.
auto ref makes a template out of something that shouldn't be a
template. It's a particularly crude hack to address a prior mistake.
ref should have been fixed at that time, not compounded with layers of
even more weird and special-case/non-uniform behaviours above it.

There has been a couple of instances where the situation has been
appropriate that I've tried to make use of auto ref, but in each case,
the semantics have never been what I want.
auto ref presumes to decide for you when something should be a ref or
not. It prescribes a bunch of rules on how that decision is made, but
it doesn't know what I'm doing, and it gets it wrong.
In my experience, auto ref has proven to be, at best, completely
useless. But in some cases I've found where I bump into it in 3rd
party code, it's been a nuisance, requiring me to wrap it away.

ref is a bad design. C++'s design isn't fantastic, and I appreciate
that D made effort to improve on it, but we need to recognise when the
experiment was a failure. D's design is terrible; it's basically
orthogonal to the rest of the language. It's created way more
complicated edge cases for me than C++ references ever have. Anyone
who says otherwise obviously hasn't really used it much!
Don't double down on that mistake with scope.

My intended reply to this post was to ask you to justify making it a
storage class, and why the design fails as a type constructor?
Can we explore that direction to it's point of failure?

As a storage class, it runs the risk of doubling out existing bloat
caused by ref. As a type constructor, I see no disadvantages.
It even addresses some of the awkward problems right at the face of
storage classes, like how/where the attributes actually apply. Type
constructors use parens; ie, const(T), and scope(T) would make that
matter a lot  more clear.

Apart from the storage class issue, it looks okay, but it gives me the
feeling that it kinda stops short.
Marc's proposal addressed more issues. I feel this proposal will
result in more edge cases than Marc's proposal.
The major edge case that I imagine is that since scope return values
can't be assigned to scope local's, that will result in some awkward
meta, requiring yet more special cases. I think Mark's proposal may be
a lot more relaxed in that way.

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