Proposal for a New Newsgroup

Mike Parker via Digitalmars-d digitalmars-d at
Mon Dec 8 17:46:59 PST 2014

I've noticed an increase in the number of people coming to these 
forums (particularly .learn) for help with some of the tools and 
libraries in the D ecosystem. Some of these projects have their 
own forums, others don't. I think it would be beneficial to have 
a new group on the news server, something like 
digitalmars.D.thirdparty. I see a few benefits from this:

* it helps keep .D and .learn focused on DMD and the language

* it gives us one place to point people to for help with libraries

* it gives library developers with no forum space a place to 
offer support for their libraries

Back in the dsource days it wasn't so bad having separate forums 
from the newsgroups because they were all hosted in one place. 
IMO, it added to the cohesion of the community. New users don't 
always turn to the newsgroups, but they often showed up on 
dsource to look for help with specific projects. Now, while many 
D projects are hosted at github, the maintainers are on their own 
when it comes to support forums. D users may need to create 
multiple forum accounts for the projects that have them, while 
turning to .learn or #D for those that don't. New users have 
nothing guiding them into the main channels of communication. 
That cohesion of the community is gone.


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