Can we make Throwable an interface?
Dmitry Olshansky via Digitalmars-d
digitalmars-d at
Tue Dec 9 11:05:43 PST 2014
09-Dec-2014 21:05, H. S. Teoh via Digitalmars-d пишет:
>> 1. enums are hard to extend for std lib, and absolutely impossible by
>> 3rd party libraries.
>> 2. Single hierarchy has some appeal but it doesn't allow to catch on
>> similar classes that do not inherit from the same base class.
>> Basically there are many ways to view similarities of excpetions and
>> single hierarchy fails to address that.
>> If we were to replace each class with a base interface and every Kind
>> enum with an interface (inhereting from one or more base interfaces)
>> then we can actually address both of these points.
> [...]
> I like this idea!
> For example, dirEntries may fail due to permission failure, but the user
> is generally not interested in OS-specific error codes like errno or
> Windows error numbers; what is more interesting is "was this failure
> caused by permission error?".
> This problem cannot be satisfactorily resolved with a single Exception
> hierarchy, but it *can* be resolved by using interfaces instead of base
> classes. We could then have a WindowsException and a PosixErrnoException
> (for example), and have subclasses also implement a NoAccessException
> interface. Thus you have a class hierarchy based on implementation
> details (e.g., PosixErrorException stores errno, and WindowsException
> stores Windows error codes), but also an interface hierarchy based on
> logical categorizations of exceptions.
That's exactly what I aim to do. The question is how hard it's do in
runtime and if there are any critical assumptions that prevent this.
Dmitry Olshansky
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