ddox-generated Phobos documentation is available for review
Tobias Pankrath via Digitalmars-d
digitalmars-d at puremagic.com
Thu Dec 11 06:45:03 PST 2014
On Monday, 10 March 2014 at 03:44:54 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu
> Consider it alpha quality. Please don't announce yet before we
> put it in good shape.
> https://github.com/D-Programming-Language/dlang.org/pull/516
> http://dlang.org/library
> http://dlang.org/library-prerelease
> I needed to change quite a bit about the makefile. It was
> building everything over and over again, and it's _slow_.
> Some functions are not ready, compare e.g.
> http://dlang.org/library/std/algorithm/balancedParens.html
> with
> http://dlang.org/library/std/algorithm/any.html
> Andrei
std.container.Array is shadowed by std.container.Array!bool.
redBlackTree shadows RedBlackTree as well.
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