Why do you write D2 compiler using C++ language?

ketmar via Digitalmars-d digitalmars-d at puremagic.com
Sat Dec 13 07:17:11 PST 2014

On Sat, 13 Dec 2014 14:48:03 +0000
ddj via Digitalmars-d <digitalmars-d at puremagic.com> wrote:

> > nobody forces you to use current developement versions. stick 
> > with the
> > version of your choice (2.066 for example), that's all.
> Unfortunately it is unclear to me how many current bugs/issues 
> are related to stable version. On another side, I do not like to 
> use stable but crippled version
there are some fixes that are going to 2.066, and there is the plan to
eventually release 2.066.1 (already here), 2.066.2, etc. with those
fixes incorporated. so it should be fairly good to just stick with 2.066
and upgrade it when new minor version released, if you don't need that
shiny new features (and bugs ;-).

> I've seen many YouTube videos about D and as far a I can remember 
> "million users" is at least Walter&Andre's wish. That is maybe 
> good only for the Amazon books? :)
Walter and Andrei aren't the whole community. ;-) yes, they are project
leaders, but not anyone in community is always agree with them. ;-)

we are lacking manpower too, so some things has to be postponed. there
is not so many people who can donate their time to supporting old
compiler verions for example, so we can't support all released versions
to the extent we want to. it's much funnier to work on new features. ;-)

yet that things must be solved somehow, and community trying to do it's
best. there are plans to do better release cycle, better support and so
on. but almost all of that work is done by volunteers, so things aren't
rolling fast. this is the downside of being independent. ;-)

> AFAIK c++ binary interoperability is very difficult problem due 
> to different c++ compiler implementations.
yes, there are alot of problems to solve -- that's why D doesn't have
it fully working from the start. but there is alot of work done in
current dev DMD, including different c++ mangling schemes, ABIs and so
on. i'm not really in position to talk about that though, as i'm not
interested in c++ at all.
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