Lost a new commercial user this week :(
Tobias Pankrath via Digitalmars-d
digitalmars-d at puremagic.com
Wed Dec 17 01:48:26 PST 2014
> We didn't 'learn' javascript, or python, or html, or whatever
> else you
> pick up on the job.
> The investment in learning 'programming' is decades behind us,
> and I
> think it's a reasonable expectation that a language present
> itself in
> such a way that it's intuitive and easy to get some basic things
> going.
> Leveraging small example snippets from the docs, etc. D is very
> easy
> for a C/C++ programmer, but the docs don't make it appear that
> way,
> and they give the wrong impression.
> The overpowering presence of templates in the docs give a first
> impression that reminds people of everything that's wrong with
> C++,
> which I suspect most C++ programmers looking into D are actively
> trying to escape!
> There simply can't be friction on step 1! There can be friction
> on
> step 4 or 5 when you've already made some minor achievements,
> and have
> a good few hours invested.
> Any friction on step 1 or 2 will lead to an almost immediate
> rejection.
I second this. I remember very well that the docs really annoyed
when I was starting with D. Sadly I can't see the issues I had
any more, because I'm used to it now, so it's kind of hard to
improve in a meaningful way.
But two things come to mind. The first is that the language
documentation actually is a very dense language specification. If
you look at the rust documentation you'll find a ‘Guide’ and a
‘Reference’. We need such a tutorial as well. Just linking to
some books is not enough.
Second thing is template arguments and constraints. For example
std.container.Array has a specialization for bool. That looks
like this in the docs:
std.container.Array(T) if(is(Unqual!T == bool)) vs.
std.container.Array(T) if(!is(Unqual!T == bool)).
That's super unhelpful for newcomers. The difference is hard to
spot, newcomer don't know what a qualified or unqualified type is
and they won't recognize the is-expression.
I think the documentation should call those to overloads Array!T
and Array!bool.
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