Lost a new commercial user this week :(

Joseph Rushton Wakeling via Digitalmars-d digitalmars-d at puremagic.com
Fri Dec 19 04:22:11 PST 2014

On Thursday, 18 December 2014 at 14:55:19 UTC, Chris wrote:
> So to sum things up
> 1. you blindly walked into something you had no real experience 
> with, apart from some vague memory that some parts of vibed 
> worked for you a while ago.
> 2. you knew the debugger might be an issue, if not _the_ issue, 
> but chose not to test it beforehand, or couldn't test it 
> beforehand, because
> 3. you were working on a foreign framework (and simply hoped 
> things would work out fine, fingers crossed!).
> These are crucial bits of information that were missing from 
> your first report.
> Please try to be more accurate the next time. Holding back 
> crucial information gets us nowhere. It only leaves the (false) 
> impression that D is completely unusable.

This is out of line.  It doesn't help anyone to throw around this 
kind of aggressive, blame-laden criticism, especially not towards 
someone who is trying to expand the professional developer uptake 
of D.

It's important that we all try and be constructive, sympathetic 
and helpful when offering advice, even (actually, especially) 
when suggesting to someone that they might have done things 

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