What is the D plan's to become a used language?
via Digitalmars-d
digitalmars-d at puremagic.com
Sat Dec 20 11:30:09 PST 2014
On Saturday, 20 December 2014 at 12:13:42 UTC, Daniel Murphy
> It would be easy to define such a list, but it would be
> near-impossible to force contributors to follow it.
Hardly, you have to be specific and make the number of issues
covered in the next release small enough to create a feeling of
being within reach in a short time span. People who don't care
about fixing current issues should join a working group focusing
on long term efforts (such as new features, syntax changes etc).
> Refusing to accept contributions outside the goals would most
> likely result in less contributions, not more focused
> contributions.
That's good, people should not expect experimental features or
unpolished implementations to be added to the next release. What
goes into the next release should be decided on before you start
on it.
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