cross post hn: (Rust) _ _ without GC
Vic via Digitalmars-d
digitalmars-d at
Tue Dec 23 06:16:25 PST 2014
On Tuesday, 23 December 2014 at 04:06:33 UTC, ketmar via
Digitalmars-d wrote:
> On Tue, 23 Dec 2014 03:32:11 +0000
> Vic via Digitalmars-d <digitalmars-d at> wrote:
>> Hence a prediction: major things will be moved out of core to
>> 3rd party plugins to slim down the lang, because now it's more
>> than a lang: it is a platform.
> D is not a platform. besides, GC is a core feature of D.
As per
Java is a platform as per wikipedia. D, I'll argue has more
Hence: D *IS* a platform. It is obese. Instead of 'what if
academics didn't write a language, but a compiler writer writes a
language, the new culture is: academics are writing a sugary
platform. (and do they use it on projects, a big part of open
source is that you use what you write, at their day job their
team use something else).
D 'has' a 'GC' for certain 'values' of working. Data point:
My company has 6 *full* time Sr Developers (15 years +) in
Silicon Valley - one of the larger commercial D users(sad) - so I
say that we use D (and only D) and for heavy lifting month in and
month out. So when all 6 tell me GC does not work .... (for
example allocate a large associative array and run a few threads
- I may present this example at the 'D meetup silicon valley' in
Jan meetup and publish example in git). So I tell you, when I see
focus of the volunteer maintainers on 'what can I add' and not on
'what can I remove' it scares me to the bone as the CTO.
Difference w/ Linus and Walter? Both are smart, Walter is a nice
guy, and not a bastard.
So if maintainers decide that one of the thing to move is GC, one
way,not the only way, is IOC | DI pattern (you can look up DI and
IOC), it's doable, but it is like watching a fat person run 10
yards, they would rather eat a donut).
Leave the method(init, destroy) hooks and ref counting in core.
People(p/t users of D) than inject the default GC(amateurs by
definition as they don't get paid to D). So it would be just like
Professional teams/commercial users write a GC that fits that
situation, possibly create a D utils open source project - and
now you have an eco system of downstream open source projects and
commercial users doing heavy lifting in D and 3rd: the corner
case of people that use D just a little a few hours a week for a
few weeks in a year.
But, I don't know I'm saying move GC, I'm saying move somethings.
Exceptions like GO, the 12 generics features are sugary, etc.
just open up Andreii's book and go to town. If it's not GC,
remove something else to the point it is maintainable and
commercial users can lean on a working D. I am saying lots of
things should be moved, ex: split the compiler into core and
pre-compiler for the academic but still needed plugins.
Also, people, I' am a user, so I'm just wagging the tail. Listen
to the maintainers as to the future direction, I focus on bigger
or smaller as the leading indicator of weather forecast of future
stability in D. I'm hearing C++ compatibility will be added, and
nothing will be removed. I'm hearing other features being added.
Did anyone hear of something being moved downstream? Nope. God
forbid users of D have to go to another git repo to get something
they require.
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