DConf 2015?

Adam D. Ruppe via Digitalmars-d digitalmars-d at puremagic.com
Tue Dec 23 09:19:22 PST 2014

On Tuesday, 23 December 2014 at 16:58:28 UTC, Mattcoder wrote:
> Are you going to present us with more classics slides? :)

I haven't decided if I'd do a submission this year or not yet 
(and even if I did, there's of course no guarantee it would be 
accepted!). That's one of the reasons I was asking, last year the 
deadline was in January so if I do decide to do it, I'll have to 
start thinking about it soon!

I'm kinda tempted to talk about my jsvar.d and script.d this 
time. I might also blab about web.d, but the var+script thing is 
kinda interesting at a quick glimpse:

// this is valid D code!
var a = 10;
var b = "20";
var c = a + b;

var d = json!q{ "foo": { "bar": 10.2 } };

writeln(d.foo); // {"bar":10.2}

d.foo.bar = (var a) => a ~ b;

writeln(d.foo.bar()("hello! "));  // double parens cuz @property 
isn't right
// hello! 20

You might remember a thread I made a year or two ago asking "is 
this D or is it javascript?". That kind of thing I think lends 
itself fairly well to slides.

I wrote this program yesterday:

And even I was amazed with how integrating my http2.d - a pretty 
traditional D module with no special scriptable code - just 
worked when I plugged it into a var and ran it from my little 
script language.

The templates and operator overloads did all the work in showing 
the web responses. That's kinda cool.

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