What is the D plan's to become a used language?
ketmar via Digitalmars-d
digitalmars-d at puremagic.com
Tue Dec 23 12:12:10 PST 2014
On Tue, 23 Dec 2014 19:54:19 +0000
via Digitalmars-d <digitalmars-d at puremagic.com> wrote:
> On Tuesday, 23 December 2014 at 19:14:02 UTC, ketmar via
> Digitalmars-d wrote:
> > and so D. and i still has to learn libraries for all that. yet
> > people
> > talking Go being magic bullet: just use concurency and that's
> > all!
> >
> > nope. that's not all. that's not even the biggest part.
> Library support is really important when doing web servers and
> integration with existing systems and workflows.
and learning libraries is not free (if such libraies exists in the
first place). yet people talking about Go tend to ignore this fact.
> This is not an area where D will be able to compete anytime soon
with all the C support libraries available D is not in a bad position.
> I have to connect to Google infrastructure
no wonder google support this with one of their pet language. ;-)
> to legacy databases like Pervasive
does it have C interface library?
> parse Excel files
good god!
> add encryption cross platform
in a web-server? O_O
> Every other project might need a new library if
> you are to integrate with existing solutions, so there is really
> no end to what you need to support...
that's where C libraries comes to rescue.
> Reality check on stuff that could be relevant for a server:
> https://github.com/trending?l=go&since=monthly
yes, this is good indicator of "hypeness". that's all.
> > 1. take gw-basic.
> > 2. take Google.
> > 3. let Google to throw money into gw-basic hype.
> > 4. people start writing alot of software in gw-basic.
> >
> > there is no direct corellation between "being good in technical
> > sense"
> > and "being successfull". but there is such corellation between
> > "advertising by Big Player" and "being successfull".
> There is a strong correlation between not having a stable release
> and getting less attention from people who write libraries and
> frameworks for commercial use.
i personally don't give a shit about that. i already expressed my
attitude to "commercial use", even though i'm an employer myself.
> Besides, Basic got traction at a time where people charged for
> good languages, it was available for free and was not too
> demanding on resources so it was built into the ROM on basically
> all home computers in the 80s. That's how Basic got big.
i took gw-basic as a widely-known sample of bad language. you can
replace it with your language of choice if you want, it doesn't matter.
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