What is the D plan's to become a used language?
Rikki Cattermole via Digitalmars-d
digitalmars-d at puremagic.com
Tue Dec 23 17:20:04 PST 2014
On 24/12/2014 8:54 a.m., "Ola Fosheim =?UTF-8?B?R3LDuHN0YWQi?=
<ola.fosheim.grostad+dlang at gmail.com>" wrote:
> On Tuesday, 23 December 2014 at 19:14:02 UTC, ketmar via Digitalmars-d
> wrote:
>> and so D. and i still has to learn libraries for all that. yet people
>> talking Go being magic bullet: just use concurency and that's all!
>> nope. that's not all. that's not even the biggest part.
> Library support is really important when doing web servers and
> integration with existing systems and workflows. This is not an area
> where D will be able to compete anytime soon, it is a crowded space:
> Java, Python, Ruby, Php, node.js and eventually Go. I have to connect to
> Google infrastructure, to legacy databases like Pervasive, parse Excel
> files, add encryption cross platform etc... Every other project might
> need a new library if you are to integrate with existing solutions, so
> there is really no end to what you need to support...
> Reality check on stuff that could be relevant for a server:
> https://github.com/trending?l=go&since=monthly
> 4943 stars for Go
> 2947 stars for Rocket
> 1029 stars for Docker
> 747 stars for ssh-chat
> 622 stars for Kubernetes
> 672 stars for Jason
> 672 stars for aws-go
> 594 stars for bone
> 405 stars for influxdb
> 364 stars for etcd
> 356 stars for surgemq
> 246 stars for kite
> https://github.com/trending?l=d&since=monthly
> 28 stars for vibe.d
> 10 stars for phobos
> 6 stars for druntime
> 6 stars for libasync
> 5 stars for arsd
> That's a wipe out...
>> 1. take gw-basic.
>> 2. take Google.
>> 3. let Google to throw money into gw-basic hype.
>> 4. people start writing alot of software in gw-basic.
>> there is no direct corellation between "being good in technical sense"
>> and "being successfull". but there is such corellation between
>> "advertising by Big Player" and "being successfull".
> There is a strong correlation between not having a stable release and
> getting less attention from people who write libraries and frameworks
> for commercial use.
> Besides, Basic got traction at a time where people charged for good
> languages, it was available for free and was not too demanding on
> resources so it was built into the ROM on basically all home computers
> in the 80s. That's how Basic got big.
Lets not forget things like barcode generators, qrcode and pdf editor.
People have a tendency to like having those things for web services...
Unfortunately they have a tendency to have a requirement to have things
such as a image library already. Which we also have a bad tendency to
not standardized in one library.
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