What is the D plan's to become a used language?
ketmar via Digitalmars-d
digitalmars-d at puremagic.com
Tue Dec 23 21:26:07 PST 2014
On Wed, 24 Dec 2014 04:55:09 +0000
"Adam D. Ruppe via Digitalmars-d" <digitalmars-d at puremagic.com> wrote:
> I love dom.d. IMO it is better at doing what javascript's job in
> the browser is supposed to be than Javascript itself with the
> dynamic properties and all that.
the same for me. i'm not doing heavy dom jobs though.
> The script thing just recently got property support so I can use
> it with a native class for my little json web api inspector
> thingy. That will enable automatic wrapping of arbitrary D
> objects when I get back to it, perhaps even whole modules, so
> exposing D code to the script will become even easier!
yep, i've seen that in recent commits. inability to easily wrap native
structs/objects was one of the major drawbacks for me. i was thinking
about doing something with it myself, but... you know, lazyness and
such. ;-)
> Other recent modules added are some audio and joystick support.
> (I'm gearing up to write another game in D, but this time, I'm
> not even going to use SDL!)
i've seen that too, and was curious to see what's coming next. ;-)
> > alot of personal emails asking something again and again
> I like those because they tell me what trouble people are having..
i meant that it may become boring to answer the same things again and
for me the biggest trouble is that your things looks handy and
unencumbered, and it's hard to resist the temptation to write my own
versions. you know, "it looks so easy that i MUST write my own
variant". can you please make your interfaces convoluted and
heavy-weight? ;-)
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