List of Phobos functions that allocate memory?
Adam Wilson
flyboynw at
Fri Feb 7 11:04:58 PST 2014
On Fri, 07 Feb 2014 10:54:37 -0800, Sean Kelly <sean at>
> On Friday, 7 February 2014 at 17:06:36 UTC, Dmitry Olshansky
> wrote:
>> 07-Feb-2014 20:49, Sean Kelly пишет:
>>> On Friday, 7 February 2014 at 16:41:00 UTC, Dmitry Olshansky wrote:
>>>> Meh. If exceptions are such a liability we'd better make them (much)
>>>> faster.
>>> It's not stack unwinding speed that's an issue here though, but rather
>>> that for client-facing services, throwing an exception when an invalid
>>> request is received gives malicious clients an opportunity to hurt
>>> service performance by flooding it with invalid requests.
>> Why throwing a single exception is such a big problem? Surely even C's
>> long_jump wasn't that expensive? *Maybe* we shouldn't re-construct
>> full stack trace on every throw?
> That can be turned off at run time by clearing the traceHandler.
> But yeah, it's the allocations that are a problem in this case,
> not the unwinding. And specifically, that flooding with bad
> requests effectively generates tons of garbage (an allocation for
> the exception plus another for the trace data) thus triggering
> frequent stop-the-world collections.
>> Exceptions are convenient and they make life that much easier combined
>> with ctors/dtors and scoped lifetime. And then we say **ck it - for
>> busy services, just use good ol':
>> ...
>> if (check42(...) == -1){ call_cleanup42(); return -1; }
>> ...
>> And up the callstack we march. The moment code gets non-trivial there
>> come exceptions and RAII to save the day, I don't see how busy REST
>> services are unlike anything else.
> I'm sure you can see how a service is different from a desktop
> application, right? In the latter case, there's only one user
> and he's interested in having his application perform well.
> Outside of a QA lab you won't find desktop app. users
> deliberately trying to break their app. Services are exactly the
> opposite. It's not an exaggeration when I say that the services
> I work on are under attack from botnets 24/7. This is a use case
> that must be considered as a first order of business or the
> entire service suffers.
>>> I'm not convinced that there's any need for a language change here to
>>> support scoped exceptions. That seems a bit like killing the ant with
>>> a steamroller.
>> Well I'm not convinced we should accept that exceptions are many times
>> slower then error codes (with checks on every function that may fail +
>> propagating up the stack).
> Exception-oriented code is typically faster for the success case
> because all that return code checking can be removed. But the
> tradeoff is that it's slower in the failure case because stack
> unwinding is simply slower than checking an error code. But
> again, the issue here isn't the cost of stack unwinding, it's
> that thousands of exceptions thrown per second generates a lot of
> garbage, and garbage collection in D is currently fairly slow
> compared to, say, Java. If we could get an incremental GC for D
> I probably wouldn't even care, but I think that's impossible.
Technically, there is no reason that the current GC can't be made
incremental, insofar as incremental means collecting only what is required
complete the allocation.
Adam Wilson
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