List of Phobos functions that allocate memory?
jared771 at
Fri Feb 7 15:01:46 PST 2014
On Friday, 7 February 2014 at 22:57:26 UTC, Jonathan M Davis
> On Friday, February 07, 2014 20:43:38 Dmitry Olshansky wrote:
>> 07-Feb-2014 20:29, Andrej Mitrovic пишет:
>> > On Friday, 7 February 2014 at 16:27:35 UTC, Andrei
>> > Alexandrescu wrote:
>> >> Add a bugzilla and let's define isValid that returns bool!
>> >
>> > Add std.utf.decode() to that as well. IOW, it should have an
>> > overload
>> > which returns a status code
>> Much simpler - it returns a special dchar to designate bad
>> encoding. And
>> there is one defined by Unicode spec.
> Isn't that actually worse? Unless you're suggesting that we
> stop throwing on
> decode errors, then functions like std.array.front will have to
> check the
> result on every call to see whether it was valid or not and
> thus whether they
> should throw, which would mean extra overhead over simply
> having decode throw
> on decode errors. validate has no business throwing, and we
> definitely should
> add isValidUnicode (or isValid or whatever you want to call it)
> for validation
> purposes. Code can then call that to validate that a string is
> valid and not
> worry about any UTFExceptions being thrown as long as it
> doesn't manipulate
> the string in a way that could result in its Unicode becoming
> invalid.
> However, I would argue that assuming that everyone is going to
> validate their
> strings and that pretty much all string-related functions
> shouldn't ever have
> to worry about invalid Unicode is just begging for subtle bugs
> all over the
> place IMHO. You're essentially dealing with error codes at that
> point, and I
> think that experience has shown quite clearly that error codes
> are generally a
> bad way to go. Almost no one checks them unless they have to. I
> think that
> having decode throw on invalid Unicode is exactly what it
> should be doing. The
> problem is that validate shouldn't.
> - Jonathan M Davis
You could always return an Option!char. Nullable won't work
because it lets you access the naked underlying value.
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