Disadvantages of building a compiler and library on top of a specific memory management scheme
jonathan.t.barnard at gmail.com
Fri Feb 7 21:43:43 PST 2014
On Saturday, 8 February 2014 at 02:03:00 UTC, Marco Leise wrote:
> Can we just copy Rust already?
Assuming D was able to incorporate all of Rust's memory
management features, what advantages would it offer over Rust
apart from superior compile-time metaprogramming? Personally, I
think working to improve the garbage collector could pay off in
this regard; "Both Rust and D allow you to choose between using a
garbage collector and using referencing counting, but D's garbage
collector is a precise concurrent generational moving compacting
collector, whereas Rust's is a non-parallel non-moving
conservative collector that's orders of magnitude slower and uses
much more memory." Currently, even Go has a better GC than D.
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