is(Mutex == shared) == false?

Stanislav Blinov stanislav.blinov at
Sat Feb 8 05:59:58 PST 2014

On Saturday, 8 February 2014 at 06:48:50 UTC, Sean Kelly wrote:
> I tried making Mutex shared once, and ended up down a rabbit 
> hole of needing to make various Posix and Windows types shared, 
> which in turn meant changing function signatures...

I think most of those can be resolved with casts (or methods that 
return unshared-casted pointers)?

> I reverted the change and decided to revisit it later... Which 
> never happened.  I suppose it's time to revisit this and see 
> how it goes.

I've created a branch here:

There are currently changes to make core.sync primitives shared 
on Posix.

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