On exceptions in D

Jakob Ovrum jakobovrum at gmail.com
Sun Feb 9 14:25:27 PST 2014

On Sunday, 9 February 2014 at 20:26:20 UTC, Dmitry Olshansky 
> I'm saying that basically classes imply infinite lifetime 
> model. Then you may work extra hard and do things like emplace 
> and manual allocation.

Infinite lifetime is also only with `new`. The "extra work" with 
emplace and manual allocation is the domain of library code (e.g. 
`C c = alloc!C(ctorArgs);`).

The only issues with using library code instead of `new` are 
details like allocation of non-static nested classes and 
allocation of classes using private constructors etc.

It is true that classes rely on *uniqueness* to some extent, but 
uniqueness is not particular to GC memory.

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