D as A Better C?

Mike none at none.com
Tue Feb 11 15:31:35 PST 2014

On Tuesday, 11 February 2014 at 22:25:01 UTC, eles wrote:
>> Why would somebody use better C rather than just plain C?
> If you send me to a C compiler, why bother to evangelize me D? 
> I have C# and Java for all the other uses that are not embedded.
> Please, stop telling about "alternatives". It is like taking 
> aways D's very reason of existence.
> If is just an application language, it loses. There are better 
> and better-supported out there on the market.
> But there is no better systems programming language.

I very much agree here, but we don't need new name to make D 
suitable for systems programming. A small set of compiler 
switches will suffice.


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