Trying Phobos some more
bearophileHUGS at
Wed Feb 12 05:20:55 PST 2014
One way to find what's missing among Phobos ranges and higher
order functions is to try to use them. This is a small
Rosettacode task, given a file of words, it asks to find the
longest pair of anagrams that have not even one letter in the
same position:
I don't fully understand the Clojure solution:
[words (re-seq #"\w+" (slurp "unixdict.txt"))
anagrams (filter second (vals (group-by sort words)))
deranged (remove #(some true? (apply map = %)) anagrams)]
(prn (last (sort-by #(count (first %)) deranged))))
I have written two D solutions, the first tries to be short and
the second to be faster. This is the first solution (look in that
page for the fast solution):
void main() {
import std.stdio, std.file, std.algorithm, std.string,
string[][dstring] anags;
foreach (const w; "unixdict.txt".readText.split)
anags[w.array.sort().release.idup] ~= w;
.map!(anags => anags.cartesianProduct(anags)
.filter!q{a[].equal!{ a != b }})
.minPos!q{ a[0].length > b[0].length }[0]
A better short D version:
void main() {
import std.stdio, std.file, std.algorithm, std.string,
.hashGroupBy!(w => w.sorted.release)
.map!(anags => anags
.filter!q{a[].equal!q{ a != b }})
.max!q{ a[0].length }
hashGroupBy returns an associative array of the equivalence
classes, given a key function
( ).
sorted is similar to an array+sort. But it allocates a new array,
so the its output should be implicitly castable to const
( ).
pairwise is a range that yields the pairs, but only the lower
triangle. So it's like two nested loops. In this program it's up
to twice faster than using cartesianProduct
( ).
max and min accept an optional mapping key function, as in Python
( ).
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