C++ Binding Generator
alynch4047 at gmail.com
Sat Feb 15 11:57:39 PST 2014
I'm working on a C++ binding generator that is coming on well,
called Smidgen (first there was SWIG, then sip, now Smidgen...).
I have a small demo working with both VTK and the beginnings of
Qt5 GUI. I have to pick it back up (after moving house with my
family) so would like help on various things such as building it
on Windows (currently Linux 64bit only but it's only the build
system that is Linux specific, and it's cmake so should be easy
to get going on Windows).
The code is tested and just-about one-click build. Currently it's
in a subversion repository but I plan to move to github. I'd love
someone to use Smidgen to try wrapping a small C++ library as I
think it would make the job quite easy, if anyone reads this
(since I have not formally announced the thing yet) then please
let me know and I'll get the code out there).
I have targeted the sip format binding specification (as used in
sip / pyqt) so that I then get a Qt binding on the cheap (but it
will therefore be GPL only). It is going well and as I said I
have wrapped a small part of Qt GUI using it (and the PyQt sip
files) which demonstrates working:
* Using the PyQt sip files is working and I am parsing nearly all
sip tags - extending to the rest of the PyQt sip files should not
be _too_ arduous
* Subclassing a wrapped C++ class, and overriding protected and
virtual functions (e.g. paint method and mouseMoveEvent)
* Nested classes (e.g. Qt::Connection)
* Multiple packages / modules
* Enums half-done
* Sip Transfer, TransferThis and TransferBack annotations for
method arguments (which govern object ownership)
* Multiple C++ inheritance => multiple pointers (still needs a
little bit of work but generally there)
* An automated route for type conversion e.g. QString <-> D
string - needs a bit more work for e.g. QList
My TODO List
* non-primitive Typedefs
* Primitive types C -> D conversion
- *.conf file
%CToDType long = long
%CToDType unsigned char = ubyte (half done)
* Sip If clauses for timelines
%Timeline {Qt_5_0_0 Qt_5_0_1 Qt_5_0_2} (half done)
* KeepReference for arguments + tests for Transfer etc. - Easy,
in class with KeepRef
e.g. View.setModel(model /KeepReference/) it has an extra
- void* setModel_SMIKeepRef
then in setModel() {
setModel_SMIKeepRef = model;
This will make D keep a reference to the model as long as
the View instance is alive.
Each view will have its own reference so the total can go
above 1 for a given model.
* getCastPointerForInterface can be easily improved by not
switching on a name but instead
each class has a separate variable for each base class pointer,
that is populated in
the constructor
- each class has one extra pointer per interface implemented
- override virtual void*[] getExtraPointers() {
void*[] extraPointers = super.getExtraPointers();
extraPointers ~= wrappedObject_Calculator;
return extraPointers;
- in constructor this() {
wrappedObject_Calculator =
- in destructor ~this() {
* instance_wrapper et al., need to also register base class
* getWrappedObject / getClassName - how to handle this in a
x-module fashion.
* Add support for wrapping members
* Add QTest support
* int arguments that take a default enum value & enum defaults
* char** -> Use this _idea_
this(string[] args)
// if (m_instance != null)
// throw new
RuntimeException("QCoreApplication can only be initialized once");
argc = cast(int)args.length;
argv = toStringzArray(args);
this(&argc, argv);
// m_instance.aboutToQuit.connect(m_instance,
* Threading? - wrappedObjects[] should be shared as with CPP
instance tracker. Use signal.d's
WeakRef and InvisibleAddress
* qRegisterMetaType??
* Add %UsesConverter to package.sip, so that the correct includes
are in the package and
we don't get problems trying to include e.g. widget.h in
* Converted types that are returned are not passed through
getWrapper - might cause
duplicate D objects around same C++ object e.g. QList<QWidget>?
Is this a problem?
* In CPP wrapper, the conversion from argument can have a memory
leak (e.g. new string created
and not deleted) BETTER - pass new type in as a reference if
* Enums don't have C++ value if it was specified - need a CPP
program that writes
a text file e.g. Color::Red 124
Color::Green 234
and then write enum wrappers which include the values using the
text lookup (at build time
of wrapper NOT at runtime of final program)
* Operator overloading - do nicely in D
* Free function operator overloads in CPP
* Handle array arguments
* Multiple inheritance - if a method returns an instance of an
interface and it has
been created by CPP then the *Impl is returned - it is not
currently typechecked.
We should instead check if it's already on a registered object.
* Interfaces - allow virtual calls on the interface
* Lifetime management - VTK?
* VTK/ Qt differences - have factory methods for Method, Klass,
Package etc., and
different wrapping flavours can have differing factories. Needs
API stability.
* Virtual functions, overloading etc. - will the right call be
made if from an inherited class I make a call
on an inherited D class method for a virtual method - will it
call the C++ base equivalent,
thereby not calling the correct virtual call on the derived
class? See GOTW 5,
calling virtual funcs on a base pointer will not call the
derived class method.
* Answer to above Q - yes, so need to implement wrappers for all
inherited virtual functions
even if not mentioned in SIP file
* Signals and slots
* Enums declared inside classes
* In CPP wrapper class remove factory function/private
constructor - it is not reqd.
* Nested classes and multiple inheritance combination probably
not working (e.g. Klass.getWrappedClassName)
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