Implement the "unum" representation in D ?

Nick B nick.barbalich at
Thu Feb 20 02:10:12 PST 2014

Hi everyone.

I'm attend the SKA conference in Auckland next week and I would 
like to discuss a opportunity for the D community.

I am based in Wellington, New Zealand.  In Auckland, NZ, from 
Tuesday to Friday next week there will be two seminars held.

The first 2 days (Tuesday and Wednesday) are for the multicore 
conference. Details are

Here is the schedule for 2 days (thursday & friday) of the SKA 

John Gustafson Will be presenting a Keynote on Thursday 27th 
February at 11:00 am

The abstract is here:

There is also a excellent background paper, (PDF - 64 pages) 
which can be found here:

The math details are beyond me, but I understand his basic idea.

I would like to bring your attention to Page 34 and his comments 
re "standard committees"  and page 62 and his comments "Coded in 
Mathematica  for now. Need a fast native version.."

I am sure you can see where I am going with this ....

1.  Would it be possible to implement the "unum"  representation 
in D and therefore make it a  contender for the SKA ?

2.  Is there any interest in this format within the D community



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