Repost: make foreach(i, a; range) "just work"

Steven Schveighoffer schveiguy at
Fri Feb 21 07:16:08 PST 2014

On Fri, 21 Feb 2014 09:58:58 -0500, Daniel Murphy  
<yebbliesnospam at> wrote:

> "Steven Schveighoffer"  wrote in message  
> news:op.xbmyjnnzeav7ka at stevens-macbook-pro.local...
>> I'd rather see it do:
>> 1. can I satisfy this foreach using opApply? If yes, do it.
>> 2. If not, can I satisfy this foreach using range iteration?
>> This may be how it works, I honestly don't know.
> It is.

Good, thank you for checking!


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