Porting my Integer Sorting Algorithms to D
per.nordlow at gmail.com
Sun Feb 23 08:28:21 PST 2014
On Sunday, 23 February 2014 at 16:16:48 UTC, Nordlöw wrote:
> On Sunday, 23 February 2014 at 15:10:36 UTC, Russel Winder
> wrote:
>> On Sun, 2014-02-23 at 14:09 +0000, "Nordlöw" wrote:
>>> I have a couple of self-implemented C++ integer sort
>>> algorithms lying around in my codebase.
>> What is the basic sort algorithm? Radix sort is generally seen
>> as the
>> best for sorting integer values currently. But that doesn't
>> mean there
>> is better, just that that is the one to beat.
>> Which requires benchmarks. Which requires a framework for
>> running
>> benchmarks. As far as I am aware D hasn't got one of these as
>> yet, but
>> it needs one. Such things exists in Python (I am currently
>> playing with
>> benchmark) and , I am sure, other dynamic languages. It should
>> be
>> relatively easy to do something with D.
>>> I also have a parallel merge sort on top of them that uses
>>> Intel TBB to give some
>>> further speedups.
>> std.parallelism needs some work to compete with TBB. Though I
>> am not
>> sure "like" is a term I would use for the TBB API.
>>> I have tweaked them to also work for floats and doubles,
>>> through some interesting bit-fiddling tips I found on the net.
>>> Would anybody be interested in reviewing these to give
>>> suggestions on how to best port it to Phobos?
>> I guess I just volunteered.
> The non-inplace radix sort algorithm is the most interesting. I
> have a test and benchmarking suite along with it. Here's an
> extract of it using GCC 4.8.2 with -O3 settings on my Intel
> Quad-Core with 8 Hyperthreads. Results are promising. These
> benchmarks have been verfied to produce correct results:
> Element Count: 1000000
> Number of tries: 5
> Do in place: 0
> ElementType Reference(std::sort) Radix radix_sort
> descending_radix_sort parallel_radix_sort
> tbb_parallel_radix_sort
> float 1947812us 16 4.27x 4.02x 4.87x 4.37x
> double 2022670us 16 2.30x 2.09x 3.25x 2.31x
> uint8_t 1673208us 8 10.4x 10.0x 9.32x 10.6x
> uint16_t 1800614us 16 10.1x 9.37x 9.52x 10.1x
> uint32_t 1936704us 16 5.45x 4.99x 5.77x 5.42x
> Should I place the code on a Github repo or send it to you by
> email?
> Thx,
> Per
After having take a look at algorithm.d I guess we should use
CTFE-logic to autoconfigure to use radix sort when ElementType
isInteger or float or double. string and real could probably be
sorted aswell.
To make this configuration optimal an optional pre-configuration
benchmarking pass may be need in order to give optimal speeds.
Such a pass should for each sort implementation figure out a
suitable limit [low,high] for the size range being sorted.
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