Dart and D: features that could be used in D, D->dart for web programming

Paulo Pinto pjmlp at progtools.org
Thu Feb 27 10:20:22 PST 2014

Am 27.02.2014 18:29, schrieb thedeemon:
> On Thursday, 27 February 2014 at 10:27:41 UTC, Timothee Cour wrote:
>> A1)
>> Google's Dart (https://www.dartlang.org) looks like a very promising
>> replacement for javascript. It can compile to javascript to ensure
>> portability (but chromium runs it natively)
> No, neither Chromium nor even Chrome run it natively. Only Dartium which
> is a separate browser.

 From what I understood on Dart talks last Google IO, work was planned 
to have V8 and Dart VM play together inside Chrome.

Personally, I think unless Google pushes the language fro ChromeOS or 
Android, it will hardly get any real market size.

Like it or not, JavaScript is good enough.

On my field of work, it doesn't matter how many cool languages I know,
we are usually bound by what the whole team is comfortable using, what 
the boss allows for and the technologies that are requested by the 
customers themselves.


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