Windows DMD installer/VisualD still not detecting paths correctly

Jacob Carlborg doob at
Sun Jan 5 01:50:03 PST 2014

On 2014-01-05 03:38, Manu wrote:
> On 5 January 2014 12:30, Manu <turkeyman at
> <mailto:turkeyman at>> wrote:
>     Hmm, so I jigged it so it's able to find mspdb100.dll, but now
>     link.exe complains: "The application was unable to start correctly
>     (0xc000007b)."
>     That's weird.
> Okay, my cludge was a 32bit/64bit dll mismatch. Works now, so it is all
> about pathing problems.
> This shit has really gotta 'just work' out of the box.
> Walter: Is it possible to completely override sc.ini? What needs to be
> done to get there?
> Rainer: What is the current state of VisualD's overriding sc.ini? What's
> complicating the process?

This is the places DMD will look for sc.ini:

What about if the installer for VisualD included DMD? Then it could 
install it anywhere it wanted, provide a custom sc.ini and avoid 
conflict with any other sc.ini files.

/Jacob Carlborg

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