Understanding and new language feature proposal

Sumit Adhikari sumit.adhikari at gmail.com
Mon Jan 6 02:31:45 PST 2014

This is a great syntax and I am doing this :p.

But there are many many many many issues associated with this (I 
mentioned that I wanted them natively, templates are problems). 
The library needed a significant coding and still to match with 
immutable, support from phobos - it is tough.....

C++ also has some of these implementation (SystemC) - but that 
did not made it acceptable to embedded systems programmer. Again 
a library will not allow me to extract last drop from my HW - for 
every library and everybody :). The internal implementation of 
these libraries are memory hungry and not embedded systems 

Regards, Sumit

On Monday, 6 January 2014 at 09:41:12 UTC, bearophile wrote:
> Sumit Adhikari:
>> unsigned bits(179:0) a ;
>> unsigned bits(179:0) b ;
>> unsigned bits(179:0) result = a + b ;
> What about this syntax:
> UnsignedBits!(179, 0) a, b;
> UnsignedBits!(179, 0) result = a + b;
> Or better:
> alias ubits = UnsignedBits!(179, 0)
> ubits a, b;
> ubits result = a + b;
> Bye,
> bearophile

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