Adding Java and C++ to the MQTT benchmarks or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Garbage Collector

NoUseForAName no at
Wed Jan 8 15:43:42 PST 2014

On Wednesday, 8 January 2014 at 23:27:39 UTC, Ola Fosheim Grøstad 
> let mut x = 4.
> Whyyy would anyone want to create such a syntax? I really want 
> to like Rust, but I... just...

Looks pretty boring/conventional to me. If you know many 
programming languages you immediately recognize "let" as a common 
keyword for assignment. That keyword is older than me and I am 
old (by Silicon Valley standards).

That leaves only the funny sounding "mut" as slightly unusual. It 
is the result of making immutable the default which I think is a 
good decision.

It is horribly abbreviated but the vast majority of programmers 
who know what a cache miss is seem to prefer such abbreviations 
(I am not part of that majority, though). I mean C gave us 
classics like "atoi".. still reminds me of "ahoi" every time I 
read it. And I will never get over C++'s "cout" and "cin". See? 
Rust makes C/C++ damaged people feel right at home even there ;P

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