Componentizing D's garbage collector

Joseph Rushton Wakeling joseph.wakeling at
Fri Jan 10 01:56:45 PST 2014

On 10/01/14 09:03, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
> The GC comes up repeatedly in discussions around here. I've been thinking for a
> while about breaking it down into components, and now it seems the time is ripe.
> The design at seems to be a win. It works well, comprehends
> all major allocation tropes, someone implemented a subset of it in C++ and
> measured good results, and a coworker is considering adopting the design for a
> C++ project as well.
> I've started with the next logical step - higher-level allocation that is aware
> of the type of the object being allocated, and realized that integrating a
> notion of tracing is appropriate at that level, and actually quite easy. So I'm
> thinking of just doing it.

Can you recommend some good background reading for those of us who would love to 
have some input (or at least insight) to this, but don't yet have the 
theoretical understanding?

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