Does the dub registry at have problems?

Gary Willoughby dev at
Fri Jan 10 10:48:06 PST 2014

On Friday, 10 January 2014 at 12:47:54 UTC, Andrej Mitrovic wrote:
> On 1/10/14, Gary Willoughby <dev at> wrote:
>> I also have another package waiting called 'tcltk' which hasn't
>> been added yet and now all my packages in the UI have the
>> following error:
> Hi,
> I have a D OOP Tk wrapper which I paused working on for a while 
> since
> I had other plans at the moment. Currently it only works on 
> Win32 (I
> didn't have the time to work on enabling it on other platforms 
> yet)
> but it has lots of features and tests too:
> I'm not home right now though (~ next 3 weeks), so I can only
> periodically check the e-mail every now and then.

Awesome! i'm working on one too but approaching it in a different 
way and hopefully will be fully cross-platform.

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