immutable bug?

Rikki Cattermole alphaglosined at
Sun Jan 12 17:46:55 PST 2014

On Monday, 13 January 2014 at 01:07:56 UTC, Manu wrote:
> On 13 January 2014 07:06, Johnny Walking <jw at> 
> wrote:
>> On Saturday, 11 January 2014 at 18:29:36 UTC, Manu wrote:
>>> ...
>> I'm  just a bit confused, but recently I've seen many topics 
>> from
>> Manu and problems which he's facing with D.
>> So my question is: You don't had any problems when coding
>> "Remedy's" 3D engine integration with D back then?
>> ( or am I missing
>> something?
> I was doing very different work at that point, stressing 
> totally different
> parts of the language - mostly meta stuff. And believe me, I 
> had bugs, lots
> of them.
> I also had a direct hotline to Walter... I don't feel I have 
> the authority
> to pester him directly or as frequently now ;)
> What doesn't come across in my posts is that the D experience 
> today is _so
> much_ better than it was while I was doing the Remedy work. 
> It's come a
> long way in terms of quality in the last 1-2 years, and 
> generally gets
> better every day.
> I often remark to myself how relatively rare to is to run into 
> compiler
> bugs today.
> But you know what seems to reliably make it better? Complaining 
> about it.
> Well, that... and the work of all the awesome contributors! :)
> Silently adding workarounds to your code, and dropping a bug 
> somewhere has
> significantly lesser effect. There's no other functional sense 
> of priority
> I'm aware of, voting on issues has apparently little meaning. 
> Issues that
> seem to get the most buzz in the forum seem to get fixed the 
> fastest. I'm
> good as making noise ;)

I know the feeling with Dvorm and Cmsed's router. The amount of 
bugs I hit are horrendous. I'm not complaining about it or 
reporting them mainly because a) not on a head build and b) I'm 
literally pushing the compiler to its limits in some areas.

Maybe once next version and it has all been announced I'll start 
on getting the common issues that a user might experience 
reported. But I suspect with these ones they aren't gonna be a 
simple fix.

Although I am glad I am doing it now rather than a year ago. 
Mainly because I've learnt so much since then from the D 
community. I have to say more than any other in my past.

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