Componentizing D's garbage collector

Benjamin Thaut code at
Tue Jan 14 01:18:57 PST 2014

Am 13.01.2014 23:55, schrieb Walter Bright:
> I agree, but I was trying to correct the misperception that current D
> does not allow a moving collector.

Current D does not allow a moving collector because of the lack of 
compiler support. It is still not possible to identify all pointers 
percicesly, especially those on the stack. Also when you want to 
implement a semi-space GC everything _must_ be moveable. Pinning is not 
an option for a semi-space GC. There for current D does not allow the 
implementation of semi-space GC without some changes to the spec. (E.g. 
structs / classes containing unions _must_ provide a custom scanning 

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