IRC / std.sockets question

Vladimir Panteleev vladimir at
Tue Jan 14 06:30:57 PST 2014

On Tuesday, 14 January 2014 at 13:42:46 UTC, Jakob Ovrum wrote:
> I'm basically asking if it's intended as a library (or 
> application) for use by others.
> The implementation seems to support a subset of IRC - which I 
> assume are the bare necessities required for your application - 
> and it seems to make no attempt to minimize GC garbage, have a 
> const-correct API, strict input policy, documentation etc. The 
> list goes on.

Ah, I see. At the moment I'm not interested in continuing to 
develop it as a general-purpose IRC server. Anyone's welcome to 
use it as a base or send pull requests, of course, and I can 
relicense it if MPL is not suitable.

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