"Programmer en D" published on dlang-fr.org

Raphaël Jakse raphael.jakse at gmail.com
Wed Jan 15 12:15:41 PST 2014

Le 15/01/2014 18:26, Ali Çehreli a écrit :
> Thank you Raphaël!
> Seeing it is French makes me very happy. :)
> On 01/15/2014 07:12 AM, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
>  > I wanted to make sure Ali's book (and then this translation) are ready
>  > for the respective reddit announcements.
> I apologize for my part for being slow. I am having a writer's block due
> to many different but mostly happy factors coming together.
> I will get back to the translation soon to complete the remaining two
> and a half chapters and add a few missing bits and pieces.
> Ali

Sorry for also being slow, it is hard to find time for everything. 
Anyway, I will try to do my best to keep a decent pace.

I'm happy the translation makes you happy :-)
I was (and still am) also happy to be able to find such a good book on 
the D language.

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