Optional tags and attributes
Stanislav Blinov
stanislav.blinov at gmail.com
Fri Jan 17 18:35:42 PST 2014
On Saturday, 18 January 2014 at 01:52:56 UTC, Rikki Cattermole
> Okay, I'll explain what I was inferring. If the methods your
> calling are lets say nothrow which can be checked by a pure
> function lets say. Using the template if statement we can check
> that it does throw.
I'm going to continue to think that I am overly not explicit and
thus there continues to be a misunderstanding. However, I'd like
to correct that misunderstanding by saying that *I KNOW HOW TO DO
THIS WITH TEMPLATES AND STATIC IF* :D (By the way, I did sort of
mention it in the first post). In other words, I wasn't asking
*how* to do it in principle, I'm interested if there's any
possibility to do it elegantly.
> For example:
> void myfunc(T)(T arg) nothrow if (checkIfNothrow!T) {}
> void myfunc(T)(T arg) if (checkIfNoModifiers!T) {}
> void myfunc(T)(T arg) pure if (checkIfPure!T) {}
> Basically you have to define all combinations. That is what I
> was meaning.
> Preferably you'll use q{} your code that is actually used. And
> use a template mixin to generate all these statements, so you
> don't have to!
That is precisely the thing I'd like to avoid entirely. Following
your example (which is not entirely correct since in this case I
won't be checking T, I'll be checking T.foo or T.bar or whatever
combination of those :o), I'd have to have three distinct
function definitions, even though in the end only one of them
will ever be compiled into my class. Yes, this can be simplified
by mixing-in the actual function body into all of those
definitions. But we have to be able to do better :)
I'm not trying to say that C++'s syntax wins, no. The syntax can
be anything, other than blowing up my class with all those
declarations and ifs :). If we're talking templates, it would
sure be nice to be just a tad more generic.
void myfunc(T)(T arg) pure(isPure!(T.foo))
nothrow(isNoThrow!(T.bar)) { ... }
I know that myfunc *can* be pure (I wrote it) and it *won't*
throw anywhere, and that would be true for all the function body,
*except* I also know that T.foo *may* be impure or T.bar *may*
throw (because I didn't write them, T is an arbitrary type
possibly from user code). Because of those "may"s I either have
to drop the tags entirely, or to have four different declarations
with various combinations of constraints. Having the ability to
specify the condition for a tag would elegantly solve this issue.
It's one definition, no static ifs or additional template
constraints. Again, the syntax here could be anything, like
something proposed in that discussion I mentioned earlier:
void myfunc(T)(T arg) @optional(isPure!(T.foo), pure)
@optional(isNoThrow!(T.bar), nothrow) { ... }
or anything else. Granted, presence of overloads and templates
may make those ifPure/ifNoThrow/ifWhatever checks not that
trivial to implement or invoke, but still possible nevertheless.
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