Non-null objects, the Null Object pattern, and T.init
Timon Gehr
timon.gehr at
Sat Jan 18 23:56:06 PST 2014
On 01/18/2014 10:05 PM, Walter Bright wrote:
> On 1/17/2014 7:05 AM, Michel Fortin wrote:
>> Some more thoughts.
> The postfix ? has parsing issues with ?: expressions.
> ...
In what sense? It can be unambiguously parsed easily.
> Aside from that, non-null is only one case of a universe of types that
> are subsets of other types.
This is not true. The main rationale for "non-null" is to eliminate null
dereferences. A? in his proposal is different from current nullable
references in that the compiler does not allow them to be dereferenced.
If we just had a solution for arbitrary subset types, we'd _still_ be
left with a type of references that might be null, but are not prevented
to be dereferenced.
Besides, I think it is strange to think of valid references as just
being some arbitrary special case of nullable references. A nullable
reference is roughly what you get when you put an arbitrary incompatible
value 'null' into the set of valid references:
{valid references} ∪ {null}
All that is asked for is to make the disjunct that is _actually
interesting_ it's own type. Sure, it could be described as:
{x ∈ ({valid references} ∪ {null}) | x ≠ null}
But I think this is a silly way of expressing oneself.
> I'd prefer a more general solution.
Subset types are not more general than the proposed feature.
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