Aurora Graphics Library Initial Design Discussion

Matt Taylor taylorius at
Sun Jan 19 11:46:22 PST 2014

On Sunday, 19 January 2014 at 17:44:57 UTC, ponce wrote:
> On Sunday, 19 January 2014 at 03:38:30 UTC, Adam Wilson wrote:
>> Since Aurora has a pluggable backend for rendering I feel that 
>> it will be prudent to use the low-level API's that are best 
>> suited to each platform. This will Aurora to support each 
>> platform as best as possible. As I currently can tell the 
>> following list represents
>> System		 2D API   / 3D API
>> Linux		  X11      / OpenGL 4.3
>> Android		Canvas	 / OpenGL ES 3.0
>> OSX		    Quartz2D / OpenGL 4.3
>> iOS		    Quartz2D / OpenGL ES 3.0
>> Windows		Direct2D / Direct3D 11
>> Windows	RT     Direct2D / Direct3D 11
> I'm not really sold on the 2D API not written on top of the 3D 
> API.
> Either way, I don't think X11 should be used instead of OpenGL.
> I think you should target D3D9 instead of D3D11 on Windows.

My vote would be for selectable back ends, with OpenGL 
availability across the board. This opens up the possibility to 
do some cross platform 3d graphics with some d binding of OpenGL, 
using aurora's rendering context. I know it's not what aurora is 
for, but it would be useful, and wouldn't cost much to allow.



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