Non-null objects, the Null Object pattern, and T.init

deadalnix deadalnix at
Sun Jan 19 17:04:13 PST 2014

On Monday, 20 January 2014 at 00:44:21 UTC, Michel Fortin wrote:
> On 2014-01-19 20:07:40 +0000, Timon Gehr <timon.gehr at> 
> said:
>> On 01/19/2014 01:03 PM, Michel Fortin wrote:
>>> Actually, 'A?' would implicitly convert to 'A' where the 
>>> compiler can
>>> prove control flow prevents its value from being null.
>> I think the type should be upgraded. i.e.:
>>> So you can
>>> dereference it in a branch that checked for null:
>>>     class A { int i; void foo(); }
>>>     void bar(A a); // non-nullable parameter
>>>     void test(A? a, A? a2)
>>>     {
>>>         a.i++; // error, 'a' might be null
>>>; // error, 'a' might be null
>>>         bar(a); // error, 'a' might be null
>>>         if (a)
>>>         {
>>                static assert(is(typeof(a)==A));
>>>             a.i++; // valid [...]
>>>   ; // valid [...]
>>>             bar(a); // valid [...]
>>>         }
>>>     }
> That's one way to do it. Note that this means you can't assign 
> null to 'a' inside the 'if' branch. But I wouldn't worry too 
> much about that. I think it'd make a good first implementation.
> What I expect from a not-null feature is that it starts by 
> being over-restrictive and with time, as the control flow 
> analysis evolves, unnecessary restrictions would be lifted. 
> That's similar to how CTFE and purity became what they are 
> today.

I don't see the point of intruducing a new syntax for nullable, 
when D typesystem is already powerful enough to provide it as lib.

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