Non-null objects, the Null Object pattern, and T.init
Ola Fosheim Grøstad" <ola.fosheim.grostad+dlang at>
Ola Fosheim Grøstad" <ola.fosheim.grostad+dlang at>
Mon Jan 20 06:18:20 PST 2014
On Sunday, 19 January 2014 at 08:41:23 UTC, Timon Gehr wrote:
> This is not a plausible assumption. What you tend to know is
> that the program is unlikely to fail because otherwise it would
> not have been shipped, being safety critical.
I feel that this "safety critical" argument is ONE BIG RED
It is completely irrelevant to the topic which is whether it is
useful to have recovery mechanisms for null-pointers or not. It
is, but not if you are forced to use them. Nobody suggests that
you should be forced to recover from a null dereference?
Nevertheless: If your application is safety critical and not
proven correct or have not undergone exhaustive testing (all
combinations of input) then it most likely is a complex system
which is likely to contain bugs. You can deal with this by
partitioning the system into independent subsystems (think
functional programming) which you in a domain specific manner
control (e.g. you can have multiple algorithms and select the
median value or the most conservative estimate, spinning down
subsystems reverting to a less optimal state (more resource
demanding), running a verifier on the result etc etc.
> I.e. when it fails, you don't know that it is unlikely to be
> caused by something. It could be hardware failure, and even a
> formal correctness proof does not help with that.
But hardware failure is not a valid issue when discussing
programming language constructs?
Of course the system design should account for hardware failure,
extreme weather that makes sensors go out of range and a drunken
sailor pressing all buttons at once.
Not a programming language construct topic.
> Irrelevant. He is arguing for stopping the system once it has
> _become clear_ that the _current execution_ might not deliver
> the expected results.
Then you have to DEFINE what you mean by expected results. Which
is domain specific, not a programming language construct issue in
a general programming language.
If the expected result is defined be: having a result is better
than no result, then stopping the system is the worst thing you
could do.
If the expected result controls N different systems then it might
be better to fry 1 system and keep N-1 systems running than to
fry N systems. That's a domain specific choice the system
designer should have the right to make. Sacrifice one leg to save
the other limbs.
Think about the effect of this: 1 router detects a bug, by the
logic in this thread it should then notify all routers running
the same software and tell them to shut down immediately. Result:
insta-death to entire Internet.
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