[OT] Good or best Linux distro?

ed growlercab at gmail.com
Mon Jan 20 16:24:29 PST 2014

On Monday, 20 January 2014 at 12:30:27 UTC, Chris wrote:
> At work we use Ubuntu, however, I'm not at all happy with it 
> and don't want to use it on my private computer. Which is the 
> best alternative (I've been looking at OpenSUSE; Mint is based 
> on Ubuntu/Debian but only shares the repository with Ubuntu 
> (right?); Fedora has bad reviews at the moment and might be a 
> pain to set up (drivers etc.)). I'm also considering FreeBSD, a 
> completely different beast.

I used Ubuntu for a couple of releases but switched back to 
Fedora in 2008 because there was talk of dropping support for 
Gnome rather than contributing to it. I use Openbox but Ubuntu 
was starting to leave a bad taste in my mouth.

Now with Mir and Wayland...well I'm really hoping the best of 
both eventually congeal into one great protocol.

But, that was in the past. About 2 years ago I thought I'd try 
Arch and loved it from the moment it was set up, which took about 
30 min first time; not much longer than the Fedora installer.

Arch is BRILLIANT!...IMO of course.


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