A Tausworthe random number generator

H. S. Teoh hsteoh at quickfur.ath.cx
Tue Jan 21 08:19:08 PST 2014

On Tue, Jan 21, 2014 at 12:32:41PM +0000, bearophile wrote:
> terchestor:
> >https://github.com/Terchestor/dlang/tree/Tausworthe-class
> >
> >Please be indulgent ,-)
> >/++
> >§§§ Tausworthe
> What's the purpose of those §? They add noise. If they aren't
> necessary I suggest to remove them.
> >class Tausworthe ( I, F ) if ( __traits(isIntegral, I ) &&
> >                               __traits(isFloating, F ) )
> I suggest to not put spaces around ( ). And if you want also remove
> the space after the class/functions name.
> Perhaps you want to use a struct? The decision is important. Are
> your methods all virtual?

There are a lot of issues with RNG's being passed by value; it's better
to use a reference type (i.e. class) and just make all methods final.


It said to install Windows 2000 or better, so I installed Linux instead.

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