Worrying attitudes to the branding of the D language

Sönke Ludwig via Digitalmars-d digitalmars-d at puremagic.com
Tue Jul 1 11:58:36 PDT 2014

While I agree with your reasoning, I don't agree with your target of 
attack. The logo basically has two attributes that are important to 
keep: shape and color. The rest of the logo just consists of "chrome" 
and a button-like border. I'd always consider this part of the context 
into which the logo is embedded rather than part of the logo itself. 
Anything else would be rather bad logo design in my eyes.

In this sense, just removing the chrome, but keeping the shape and color 
is perfectly fine, IMO. The current website draft doesn't match the 
shape properly, but it's just a draft after all.

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